Pharma Colloquium 2020
Dal 14 Settembre 2020 al 15 Settembre 2020Dove:
Holiday Inn Toronto International Airport 970 Dixon Road, Rexdale Toronto, Ontario M9W1J9, Canada in provincia di BELLUNODescrizione:
Pharma Colloquium welcomes you as our guest to the Toronto during September 14-15, 2020. Pharma Colloquium 2020 incorporates about each stage of information, advancement, innovation and organizing; and has a target of making a worldwide gathering for academicians, specialists and business experts to discuss the soundest issues related to pharma, Biotech and Health Care.This program provides two days of robust discussions in the field of Clinical Trials, Pharmaceutical Formulations and Drug delivery system, Pharmaceutical GMP, GCP & Regulatory Affairs, Medicinal Plants, Traditional Medicines and Marine Drugs, Medicinal Chemistry & Computer Aided Drug Designing, Pharmacology, Neuropharmacology, Pharma Marketing, Orphan and Rare Disease and more.Highlights:
Pharmaceutical Formulations and Drug delivery system
Clinical Trials and Case Report Studies
Pharmaceutical Sciences, Public Health and Innovations In Pharma Industry
Bioavailabity and Bioequivalence Pharmaceutical R & D Summit
Medicinal Chemistry & Computer Aided Drug Designing
Pharmacognosy, Phytochemistry & Natural Products
GMP, GCP & Regulatory Affairs,
Traditional Medicines and Marine Drugs
Evento visitato 609 volte, inserito il 21/01/2020 da Anonimo